I don’t know about you, but the Corona virus quarantine has left me feeling a bit creatively numb. Life is really topsy turvy right now as we all adjust to a new normal and despite a positive attitude and the gratitude I have for my health, I have found it difficult to be creative. As a result, I’ve been looking for ways to incorporate not only creative thinking but stimulate my imagination to help focus on my ultimate goal – a footwear and leather goods brand of my own. This is where the 100 Day Project comes in…
To quote from the website,
“#The100DayProject is a free art project that takes place online. Every spring, thousands of people all around the world commit to 100 days of exploring their creativity. Anyone can join (yes, that means you!). The idea is simple: choose a project, do it every day for 100 days, and share your process on Instagram with the hashtag #The100DayProject.” You can find out more from project founder @lindsayjeanthomson
Well, in a nutshell, I NEED to make time to work on my footwear goal! Every day that I’m being productive, I feel like in some small way it’s another step towards my own brand. It’s not easy fitting in ‘me’ time around my children at the best of times, let alone when we are in Covid-19 Lockdown, so my hope is that this project will keep me going* (*read: sane)….

I’m going to keep this really simple so it’s achievable and satisfying – no-one likes even more pressure in their daily lives at the moment, right?! I’m doing 100 DAYS OF SHOEMAKING – all sorts of little things like drawing, experimenting, (in this case writing), and eventually lead to a little making I hope, as the dream is to revisit the skills learned on my Footwear Design degree and become a shoemaker.

Well, if footwear’s your thing, feel free to give me a follow on Instagram and keep up with my progress using the hashtag #100daysofshoemaking . You might decide to start your own project too. Just because this one kicked off on 7th April, doesn’t mean you’ve missed the gig! Jump on in and get your creative mojo going again. It’ll be like #CreativesAgainstCorona!!
That’s all for now – got little people to go make (more) snacks for….sigh…
Zoe x